1. It's normal one comment per 100 views
2. we can't comment anonymously
3. the content of blogs are not easy to comment :) I mean, if you just say "yeah, it's fine today", then we readers have no comments
4. technology related blogs always get few comments.
but " technology trends" blog which updated frequently will get comments. (you may consider such kind of blog)
5. Maybe internal blog need advertise accors ericsson , most of people in our department even don't know :)
6. telecom blog is hard to get comment, I mean not only in ericsson, blogs that talks about telcom technology throughout the world meet the same problem. This is because of the telecom knowledge, telecom knowledge is not changing as fast as other computer technology. So sometimes not fast changing means "no comments", means " yeah, it is".
7. Internal blog is not attractive, if the blog open to external, I will migrate my blog here too :)
And if it support Wordpress, it's great !
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